Planet Function: Archelogical Dig Government: Techno Union Tech Level: Space Major Exports: Eellayin Artefacts Major Imports: High Technology, Foodstuffs, Medical and Cloning Technology Description: €€€€€€€€In the fringes of the Subterrel sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Polis Massa was once an … Forest planet with ancient Jedi temple. These clones would be bought by a coalition of minor houses within the Talpir sector. It plays on the Astroid Planet Polis Massa in the Medical Area. Polis massa is an extra large asteroid with smaller asteroids throughout the terrain. Think of it as like Netflix/Spotify but for Marvel comics. Background [edit | edit source] Its inhabitants where digging searching for trace of then ancestors. Affiliations: Raxus, Kuat, Rybirth, pandromos, harvest, Year Founded: 1071 aby . The natives all died, and the planet was reduced to asteroids. Polis Massa. The alien researchers, believing themselves to be descendants of the While there, Yoda heard the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn once again. What planet was it? Tantive IV: Recovering the PlansEdit With the information gathered on Polis Massa, Vader concluded that the stolen plans had been given to Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. It housed medical facilities for some reason. and has a small Outer Rim mining settlement far removed from the more populated areas of the galaxy. Here's the movie key: I = The Phantom Menace II = Attack Of The Clones II = Revenge Of The Sith IV = A New Hope V = The Empire Strikes Back VI = Return Of The Jedi VII = The Force Awakens VIII = The Last Jedi R1 = Rogue One TCW = The Clone Wars And the rest are self-explanatory. violett . Ureinwohner Polis Massa was an asteroid field that started off as a planet. It was here that Padme Amidala gave birth to Luke and Leia. Shili. grau. The planet Polis Massa was blown apart in a cataclysm hundreds of years past and this remote research base clinging to the remnants remained secret until just prior to Ep. SW Forums The planet Polis Massa was blown apart in a cataclysm hundreds of years past and this remote research base clinging to the remnants remained secret until just prior to Ep. Polis Massa used to be a real planet. Polis Massa ist ein abgelegenes Asteroidenfeld im Äußeren Rand, das durch die Zerstörung des gleichnamigen Planeten entstand. Luke Skywalker adalah putra Padme Amidala dan Anakin Skywalker.Ia memiliki saudara kembar, Leia Organa.Setelah ibu mereka meninggal ketika melahirkan, mereka dipisahkan, supaya mereka terhindar dari Darth Vader yang mengira mereka tidak pernah dilahirkan. 0,56 g Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization, which dwelt in underground cities such as Wiyentaah. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. Vor Urzeiten wurde der Planet jedoch durch eine Katastrophe zerstört und in ein Asteroidensystem verwandelt. The Set is a total of 178 pieces. Polis Massa iw the birth planet of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. The comics are released on the service six months after they’re released for individual purchase (either physically/digitally). Polis Massa was later struck by a mysterious cataclysm. Wiyentaah, an Eellayin city that the Polis Massans are meticulously uncovering. Comics System Polis Massa. Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization, who dwelt in underground cities such as Wiyentaah. Some like Kessel, Polis Massa, and Peragus II were just a rock floating in space. The Ambush on Polis Massa was an attack on a Republic information swap, between Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu, and Republic Intelligence agent Brek Renar, who was a spy in the CIS. Contents[show] Prelude Renar, who was the commander of a droid strike force, had been gathering information during meetings with Grievous and Count Dooku, and needed to make a report to the … Concord Dawn. Shili. Dort ließen sich seine Bewohner als Einwanderer vor langer Zeit nieder. Polis Massa ist ein abgelegener Asteroid im Äußeren Rand der Galaxis. Polis Massa: Revenge of the Sith: 2005 Film Outer Rim planetoid within an asteroid field of the same name; birthplace of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Browse Servers Bedrock Servers Collections Time Machine . Polis Massa used to be a real planet. Marvel Unlimited is the Star Wars comic publisher’s subscription service. Padmé died on Polis Massa, but not before delivering the twins she was carrying. Kallidahin Polis Massa was an asteroid field that started off as a planet. At some point, Polis Massa was a planet located within the system of the same name. Trocken Basic Video Games Padmé Amidala (* 46 VSY als Padmé Amidala Naberrie auf Naboo; † 19 VSY auf Polis Massa) war die Königin und später Senatorin von Naboo. marineblau. Vehicles Savareen: Star Wars Legends: Star Wars Adventure Journal 9: 1996: Sarjakuva 20 The Polis Massa asteroid is the largest fragment of the planet Polis Massa, which was broken apart by a natural cataclysm many centuries ago. The Polis Massans employ cloning technology in attempts to recreate extinct or vanished pre-cataclysm life-forms from any scraps of usable genetic material found within the rocks. person. Galaktische RepublikGalaktisches ImperiumRebellen-Allianz. Klasse So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Fan Fiction New planet: Jedha; New landmarks Catacombs of Cadera; Holy City; 1.14: Island Life Update. Introduced in the original Star Wars film in 1977, Leia is princess of the planet Alderaan, a member of the Imperial Senate and an agent of the Rebel Alliance. Polis Massa: Tähtien sota: Episodi III – Sithin kosto: 2005: Elokuva: Ulkokehän reunalla sijaitseva asteroidi, jossa kuolemaa tekevä Padmé Amidala synnytti Luke Skywalkerin ja Leia Organan. Außerdem operierte die Forschungsbasis verschwiegen, um nicht die Aufmerksamkeit von Piraten auf sich zu lenken, die möglicherweise Artefakte stehlen könnten, um sie an Sammler auf den Kernwelten zu verkaufen. The airless rocks are host to sealed outposts inhabited by the strangely silent Polis Massan aliens. Description: being founded 100 years ago by Ash Mango. Overall, the raid was only a partial success, with the Rebels beaming the remainder of the plans to Princess Leia Organa's corvette the Von welchem Planeten stammt Ahsoka Tano? Socialize Forums Wall Posts Discord Members . Es ist der Geburtsort von Leia Organa und Luke Skywalker und der Todesort von deren Mutter Padmé Amidala. Polis Massa, was once a planet and home to the Eellayin, who lived deep in cities under the hard mantle.It was later struck by an unknown phenomena, creating an asteroid field mainly leaving a massive crater renamed Polis Massa. New planet: Alderaan; New landmarks Aldera; Castle Lands (Killik Mounds) 1.13: Krennic Initiative Update. "Kalau ada yang melakukan perlawanan kami akan melakukan penangkapan," ujar seorang … Polis Massa is now a jumbled collection of lazily floating asteroids, and has a small Outer Rim mining settlement far removed from the more populated areas of the galaxy. 93 likes. 2/ Map Good luck! The people mysteriously vanished when the world was destroyed by an unknown and ancient cataclysm. Polis Massa was a barren planetoid in Wild Space. Coruscant Courier These strategies lead to ultimate team victory, and better gameplay. In the middle of space drifting || SWAG 77 Star Wars Planet Page Artificially maintained temperate environment. Community . Mygeeto. Ihr Arbeitsort war das Labor auf Polis Massa, was zugleich als Krankenhaus diente. Gravitation Figure out which Star Wars planet is the correct answer by looking at the hint. Characters Type:Mechanical Repair and Refit. Die Poleis entwickelten sich seit dem 8. *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. Dadurch war sie ein gutes Versteck für Obi-Wan und Yoda, nachdem alle Jedi wegen eines angeblichen Verrats zu Feinden der Galaktischen Republik erklärt wurden. It's well known to be the birth place of Luke and Leia Skywalker. Im Operationszimmer der Basis bekam Padmé die Zwillinge Luke und Leia, doch sie selbst starb kurz darauf. Polis Massa-System Polis Massa. Polis Massa war einst ein trockener, aber bewohnter Planet am Rand des Subterrel-Sektors und die Heimat des unterirdisch lebenden Volkes der Eellayin. Try it without any bonuses. Die Polis (Plural: Poleis) war eine Gemeinschaft von jeweils mehreren Tausend Bürgern (Großgrundbesitzer, Händler, Handwerker) mit Selbstverwaltung. Eellayin, became so entrenched in the asteroid remains over the centuries that they simply became known as Polis Massans to all who dealt with them. Wichtige Städte It includes Padme, Obi Wan, Bale Organa and a Chroon-Tan B-Mashine. The droids have taken over the planet and you'll have to fight all the incoming enemy forces to ensure your victory! If you like to have this Set support me to reach the 10k :) 12. The medical centers are stocked with the latest in recuperative technology, though it is tailored for the physiology of the alien researchers. She then helped lead the Mandalore Coalition in the Siege of Mandalore, but was later forced to flee the planet when Emperor Palpatine enacted Order 66. dunkelrot. Scripts fuchsia. The Eellayins vanished following their planet's destruction. Polis Massa ist eine Hommage an den Sci-Fi-Film "2001 - Odysee im Weltraum". IV < > 16 Comments tilarium Jan 31, 2017 @ 7:08pm Welp, not sure what happened in the past month, but seems that Paradox fixed whatever was broken and the planet classes are changing correctly again. It was a normal planets till a mysterious cataclysm happened and destroyed the world turning it into a bunch of asteroids. Der Planet befindet sich zwischen den beiden Gasriesen Jestefad und Lefrani, in einer Position, in der er den Gravitationsfeldern beider Planeten ausgesetzt ist. Kallidahin-ForschungsbasisWiyentaah Atmosphäre Episode VI – Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter,, Dieser Artikel behandelt das Asteroidenfeld Polis Massa; für die gelegentlich.