Type:Paramecia[[4]] === He stored them in Thriller Park in order for Hogback to transform into zombies. Type:Logia[[22]] === (X) Scalpel / Severance : User can use their hand to take the other player's heart, clicking will cause damage to that player (take 5 click to kill them, but you won't get it counted as your kill, which mean you can't take their bounty/beli)./User hold weapon ( sword or blunt can be used ), aim for the target (object or NPCs/players), user will cut them without causing harms to them, this move will cancel player's kenbunshoku haki (if they has it on) which disable their dodging ability, both attack can only be done in your room. As Moria noted that he did not have a zombie to put Robin's shadow into and that he would simply have to hold onto her for the time being, Sanji attacked him with Diable Jambe: Extra Hachis, but Moria switched places with Doppelman once more to return to Oars's cockpit and apologized for leaving to have a little fun. It was eaten by Duane and first seen when Duane first attacked Mtakatifu Kevu on Ostaria.==Site Navigation== Japanese Name: [28][29], He also appears to have considerable knowledge of the New World and how terrifying it is. (C) Elevate. (Z) Black Hole. [35] At Marineford, he was angry to see Luffy once again but took an interest in stealing his shadow again, but Jinbe intervened on Luffy's behalf. [38] That feeling is mutual, and they also seem to see each other as rivals, as they both aim to become the Pirate King. When Usopp attempted to enter the ship's kitchen in order to find more salt, Moria had Oars smash his fist into Usopp and the entrance of the mansion, only for Usopp to be rescued by Brook, who had brought a large bag of salt. The moves are. Kage Kage no Mi. [36] He is a good battle tactician, being able to outsmart even Nico Robin. Statistics Gecko Moria Gekkō Moria This fruit looks like a Moku Moku no mi but yellow. === Zushi Zushi No Mi/Gravity-Gravity fruit When Luffy and his fellow Impel Down escapees fell from the sky and onto the battlefield, an enraged Moria screamed Luffy's title. [102], He is also seen with a sword during his battle against the Beasts Pirates. Of all the Devil Fruits whose user receives a descriptive classification, the Kage Kage no Mi is the only fruit whose user is not classified as some sort of human (e.g. Upon encountering the doctor, Moria offered him a way to bring his deceased love, Victoria Cindry, back to life. [4] Returning to his home sea of West Blue, he constructed Thriller Bark, and some time afterwards joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea,[9] resulting in his bounty being frozen. Ela foi comida pelo ex- Shichibukai, Gecko Moria. === Ope Ope no mi/op-op fruit -no info please add some, The fruit gives the user to become sand and be immune to all punch and sword attacks without the use of haki. [49] However, after receiving news of Moria's supposed death, she appeared to be distraught and lamented his demise. (Z) Venom pool, which deals medium/low damage and last for about 10 seconds. === Mera Mera no mi/flame-flame fruit Even after Moria attacked his underlings, Teach still gave Moria the option to join him, albeit in a mocking tone. [96] When stolen shadows are released, they automatically fly back to their original owners. [26][27], In general, he prefers to avoid fighting altogether, or at least fighting his enemy directly, either making his shadow fight[28][29] or ordering one of his subordinates to do so. === Yuki Yuki no mi/Snow-Snow fruit (C) Creates stairs make of a barrier. El Thor [Z] A bright blue thunder like from the sky, rapidly damaging enemies. Chapter 449; Episode 343[1] Type:Logia[[11]] === Eating a devil fruit grants the eater different abilities based upon the fruit that they eat. When Moria demonstrated that Oars was not limited to simply stretching like rubber by turning his body into a sphere for Oars Ball, Oars asked him to not interfere with his fight, which prompted Moria to apologize and explain that he only wanted to help before ordering Oars to crush the Straw Hats one by one. [142], After Shanks arrived with the purpose of bringing the war to an end, Moria continued to grin. They can also permanently kill undead that repeatedly reanimate upon being killed. When Usopp shot a large bag of salt into Oars's mouth in an attempt to purify him, Moria had Doppelman catch the bag and throw it back at Usopp, whom he asked if he did not think Moria would be prepared to counter his zombies' weaknesses. My friends were lost to me precisely because they were still alive!!! The fruit gives the user darkness power and you will take twice damage from any type of attack (even without the use of haki). It was eaten by Marie Reid. [4] In addition, creating a zombie powerful enough to defeat Kaido became one of Moria's driving motivations. [85], Moria possesses a strong will as he was able to resist Luffy's Haoshoku Haki during the Battle of Marineford. Type:Paramecia[[5]] ===. Steve's One pIece Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. === Kage Kage no mi/Shadow-Shadow fruit Type:Logia[[13]] === If they had all been zombies, dead from the start, I would have lost nothing!!! [129], Admitting that Robin's restraints hurt, Moria asked her if she really thought this would stop him before having Doppelman rise from Oars's shadow and using Brick Bat, which injured Robin and knocked her down. Birthday: X[9] Flies a little slower than boat, but saves money. [17], True to his larger size and mass, Moria is also proportionately stronger than normal-sized humans, being capable of single-handedly lifting a grown man in the air without any visible effort. They have balanced abilities that are useful for starting players. The Tori Tori no mi(phoenix-phoenix fruit) and the Hito Hito no mi Model:Daibutsu are the only Zoan fruits, being mythical Zoans. Shikamaru sighed. [138] Wanting to use Luffy's shadow to reanimate Little Oars Jr., Moria attempted to have his zombies fight Luffy, only for Jinbe to splash them with saltwater and reduce them to lifeless bodies. However, Moria was gravely insulted at his offer and showed no qualms about attacking him, despite Kuma not being affected by his intimidation tactics. His powers can manipulate shadows. However, Luffy merely broke out of the box and claimed that he would not be crushed by the world because he was made of rubber, angering Moria, before inflating his body with Gear Third in order to hit Moria with Gomu Gomu no Jet Shell, causing him to spit up even more shadows. [140], In the plaza, Moria fought the Whitebeard Pirates and their allies until Whitebeard created a fissure to separate the pirates and the marines. Seeing this, the Straw Hats got up to confront Moria one last time. Type:Paramecia[[9]] === They were famed, far and wide... Why did I have to lose them all...?!!! and his favorite phrase is "You do it!!" Shadows can also be placed into the bodies of living people, increasing their physical power and granting them the ability to use the fighting techniques of the shadows original owner. Type:Paramecia[[8]] === [120] When Luffy demanded that Moria give back the shadows he had taken and threatened to beat him up in order to make him do so, Moria explained that the shadows would only to return to their owners if he commanded them to do so and that he would need to be severely weakened in order to do this, though he did not believe that Luffy would even be able to touch him at his current level of power. "Gecko Moria" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest. [19], In SBS Volume 63, Oda drew the Seven Warlords as children, Moria is shown gleefully pulling off the leg of a hapless ghost doll. Standing at 692 cm (22'8½\") in height, he was the tallest among the Shichibukai.He has two horns protruding from the sides of his forehead and stitches running vertically from the top of his face and down his neck, which is rather long and thick in comparison to his body. If a weapon is in that hand, the enemy will be flung and go in ragdoll mode. [34] Not long after that, the Straw Hats did indeed suffer a crushing defeat and separation at the Sabaody Archipelago, thus beginning a training period of two years to prepare themselves for the New World. The user can ride this chunk of earth and control where they fly for a maximum time of about 25 seconds before the chunk of earth falls down. However, Kuma disagreed and revealed that the World Government was afraid that another Warlord of the Sea would be defeated by the Straw Hats, greatly angering Moria, who was only further enraged when Kuma offered to help him fight the Straw Hats. Blood Type: Among the Mysterious Four, Absalom was easily the most dutiful crewmate under Moria, having actively worked for Moria's best interests, such as when he awakened the General Zombies to fight the Straw Hats. [137] When Doflamingo cut off Little Oars Jr.'s right leg, an angered Moria decided to demonstrate how to finish him off properly by impaling the giant with Tsuno-Tokage.[81]. Moria using his scissors to sever shadows. [33] He also deeply cared for his crewmates, which was a point of tragedy when his last encounter with the Emperor known as Kaido ended with Moria being the sole survivor of his crew. When Moria asked him if the order was from Sengoku, Doflamingo merely grinned and revealed that it came from even higher up. Kage Kage No Mi. [13], After the war's end, he was stripped of his title and was to be eliminated by Donquixote Doflamingo,[3] but he managed to escape. [94] Victims of shadow theft also lose their reflection. [62], Moria is an enemy of Monkey D. Luffy, who played a pivotal role in defeating him and destroying his army of zombies. Shadow-Shadow Fruit An area emitting purple circles appears below the user, damaging anything caught in it and forcing enemies down to the ground constantly, hindering their movement. [89] In spite of this very same size, however, Moria is incredibly fast: able to outrun Luffy, who is both much smaller and more accustomed to physical feats, for a considerable amount of time. [110], After four days of sleep and some nightmares, Moria was awoken by his servants and told of the night attack to be commenced on the Straw Hat Pirates, which he then prepared for. [80] When Whitebeard was stabbed by Squard, Moria reacted with visible joy. Meaning: At an unknown point, Moria accepted Absalom into the Thriller Bark Pirates and also found a child named Perona, who he chose to take in and raise as his own, leading to her eventually seeing him as a father figure. At Thriller Bark, he told Luffy that with his current strength, he would lose his crew;[34] his prediction came true before the Straw Hats went to the New World, at the Sabaody Archipelago. Moria also knows about Kuma's Nikyu Nikyu no Mi abilities and his habit of asking other people where they would like to go for a vacation before sending the person flying away. Kuma informs Moria of Crocodile's new replacement, Marshall D. Teach. Moria then heard Blackbeard's voice on a loudspeaker, inviting him to join his crew while also mentioning the morning newspaper.[146]. [15] Standing at 692 cm (22'8½") in height, he was the tallest among the Seven Warlords of the Sea. [133], Moria struck at Luffy several times, but the latter managed to evade him due to the speed of Gear Second. Moria was relieved when he thought he saw Absalom (actually Catarina Devon in disguise) safe and sound, but he was then struck from behind by an invisible Shiryu, and Moria was shocked that Shiryu used Absalom's power. The Kage Kage no Mi2 is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that gives the user the ability to manifest and control shadows of living creatures, including their own, as physical and tangible forms. (The field also makes foes fall slower while in it). [65], Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Emperor Kaido, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country. Light Teleport [C] You turn into light, flying in a zig-zag formation. Variation of Negation. [5], He has two horns protruding from the sides of his forehead and stitches running vertically from the top of his face and down his neck, which is rather long and thick in comparison to his body. During Gol D. Roger's execution twenty-two years before Monkey D. Luffy set out on his adventure, Moria looked much thinner, had a pointed chin, and a little longer hair. Kage Kage No Mi. E. Fragment Bats: User turns their shadow into a swarm of bats and sends them at an enemy to do a barrage of attacks. Kage Kage No Mi. Moria summons his army of Marine zombies. [60] After the war, he got attacked by Doflamingo, who received orders to kill him. [135], When the World Government called upon the Seven Warlords of the Sea to help them battle Whitebeard and his allies, Moria answered the call and dined alongside all of his fellow Warlords save for Jinbe and Boa Hancock. When Moria came to Hogback requesting his assistance in creating an army of the undead to conquer the New World, Hogback agreed on the condition that he would have his late love, Victoria Cindry, resurrected. [27], At Thriller Bark, he told Luffy that with his current strength, he would lose his crew. It was eaten by Pekoms.1 Its powers were first revealed in the Fish-Man Island Arc, but the name of the fruit was not given until the Zou Arc. (Z) Room : User can create a blue sphere on their hand, they can release the button to unleash, you can hold it longer to make the room bigger, the room is IMPORTANT, because every devil fruit attacks you do, can ONLY do inside the Room. After the timeskip, Moria showed hostility towards Blackbeard by invading his personal island to rescue Absalom while yelling for Blackbeard to show himself despite him having become an Emperor. The third ability (x) is to detach your legs and shoot them in the direction you are. Even if I had allowed you to continue peacefully on your voyage... At your level, death is all you would have found... You're nowhere near ready for the "New World"...!!! [123] Eventually, Luffy seemingly caught up with Moria and tackled him, only to discover that it was actually Doppelman,[124] which quickly returned to Moria himself.[125]. Foto; Moves; Gifs; Actions. [40] As for the humans in his crew, they continued to serve him either due to the deals that Moria seemed to have made with them in the past or their goals coinciding with his at the time (i.e. One Piece Green: Secret Pieces revealed early concepts of Moria, showing how he underwent many transformations before becoming his official appearance. [131], As Luffy continued to toss Oars around, a battered Moria wondered what was going on and called Oars pathetic for being beaten up by a lone pirate before wondering if he should leave the cockpit again. In the anime, Jinbe claimed that Moria's dependence on absorbing other people's shadow does not actually make him stronger.[147]. Moria can steal other peoples shadows by cutting them off of the owners body. The other shows how first, Moria was supposed to be a pastor who had a split personality, and even after his appearance became closer to that of what he is now, his setting was a schemer that sets traps. While Gekko Moriah uses his Kage Kage no Mi to steal shadows to create zombies, the Shakou Shakou no Mi allows the user to manipulate the shadows and bend them to his will. Gecko Moria in One Piece Film Dice Game Adventure Island. Kage Kage no Mi. They are found inside of chests, with gold having the highest chance, bronze/copper the lowest. [32], After the Battle of Marineford ended, Donquixote Doflamingo claimed that the government had deemed Moria to be far too weak to continue to bear the title of Warlord of the Sea and that he was better off eliminated;[3] despite this, Mihawk recalls that Moria was perfectly fine at the end of the war,[82] it still took Doflamingo and a group of Pacifistas to corner him,[14] and Moria still managed to escape. The Kaze Kaze no Mi is a Logia type Devil Fruit that affords the user the ability to manipulate the element of wind. Fast cool down. Its second move is Fall (X) which increases your weight so you move down slowly. A fruit is identified as a rare if its tool background is purple. [99], Moria wields a giant pair of scissors, which he uses in conjuncture with his Kage Kage no Mi to sever people's shadows. In game this fruit … Black Box[V] Which turns your shadow into an impenetrable box. While Perona is very close and loving to Moria, Perona's loyalty was somewhat questionable, as she not only attempted to flee when she felt her life was endangered, but took all the rations and treasure on board with her. [64] Moria was also the only Warlord of the Sea to be shocked at the revelation of Revolutionary Dragon being Luffy's father. A Kage Kage no Mi é uma Akuma No Mi de classe Paramecia que dá ao usuário a capacidade de manifestar e controlar sombras, como uma forma física tangível, tornando o usuário um governante das sombras (影 の 支配 者 Kage no Shihaisha?). [128], After making Oars's limbs stretch when he used Gomu Gomu no Kane and Gomu Gomu no Spear, Moria revealed that he was using Kage Kakumei to change the shape of Oars's shadow and thus his body, which is what allowed his body to stretch. [126], Soon afterward, Moria entered the cockpit within Oars's stomach and noted that the night air was refreshing before asking the shocked Straw Hats if they could really afford to waste time with the dawn approaching. In the anime this fruit is used by Gecko Moria, a Warlord of the Sea. Commons are the easiest fruits to come across due to them having simple abilities that are considered weak. "I'm sure you've heard the expression 'eat of the Devil's fruit', right? Sitting down, Moria told Hogback that he would stay there and play with Oars for a bit. When Absalom informed him that Brook had returned and was purifying the zombies once more, Moria merely told him to do something about it himself. Lighting Shot [X] Lighting comes out from your hand, also rapidly damaging enemies. [95] If the person dies, then the shadow will die with them; even when separated, the body and the shadow count as a single being. Eating another devil fruit, if you already have powers of another, will just kill you and waste the fruit you had tried to eat. He is also a major antagonist in the Marineford Arc where he took part in the Battle of Marineford and sided with the Marines, along with most of the other Warlords. The fourth ability (c) is to transform into a car, which will be a little bit quicker when the stat is leveled This car will deal rapid damage and push over the ridden over enemy al little bit. You can eat another Devil fruit if you use the Devil Fruit Remover located on the Starter Island. I am assuming the result is the same hence Kage Kage no mi = Sora Sora no mi 2. (C) Is Venom Dragon, which turns you into a dragon and allows you to fly at slow speeds. [118], After being informed of Oars climbing up Thriller Bark's mast, Moria noted that they will be able to obtain the shadows of even stronger people and create more special zombies before informing Hogback that they would be needing more marios. [56] While Oars allowed Moria to aid him in the execution of his stretching techniques, he was against his master interrupting his battles or fighting them for him. The loss of his crew to Kaido changed Moria's outlook on life substantially, making him believe that subordinates are better off as zombies because, due to their undead status, they cannot be harmed by any physical damage - they can only be "purified" by the sea or elements of the sea and even if they were purified, he could easily find other shadows to reanimate them. Shadow Swap [C] that allows you to swap positions with your shadow. Rares are the hardest fruits to come across because of their powerful abilities. A year later, while Moria had a bounty of 320,000,000,[9] the Gecko Pirates clashed with the Beasts Pirates in the Ringo region of Wano, during which Moria stole Ryuma's corpse along with Shusui from his grave. [83], As further testament to his potential, Blackbeard, who is known for refusing to recruit weaklings into his crew[84], asked Moria to become his subordinate. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Kage Kage no mi Moria seems to view the Marines as no different from the pirates and civilians whom he usually extracts shadows from, displaying no qualms about forcibly taking the shadows of nearby Marines to empower himself against Jinbe. [97] The stolen shadows can also be inserted into corpses, reanimating the corpse into zombie loyal to Moria. Moria was made a Shichibukai at some point after his fight against Kaido in Wano Country's Ringo region. (Z) Gravity Wave. [54] However, as is the fate of all zombies, Oars eventually became obedient to Moria. There are 3 types of devil fruit: Paramecia, Logia, and Zoan. [4], Despite being allied with the government, Moria does not care about them. Light barrage [V] Your hands shoot many light balls, all exploding on impact. He was recently released in theOne Piece DX Figure models. -no info please add some, === Goru Goru no mi/Gold-Gold fruit This results in the corpse gaining the powers and skills that the shadow’s owner had acquired in life. Gum Gums damage is dependent on your melee level, but its speed is based on your devil fruit level. [32], Moria was also quite negative toward Donquixote Doflamingo, as Doflamingo damaged Little Oars Jr. despite Moria wanting the giant's corpse intact. Katsuhisa Hōki Moria proceeded to attack Luffy with Brick Bat while claiming that an inexperienced brat who underestimates others will only be embarrassed in the end. Kage Kage no mi ={Kage Kage Fruit}= Q. Silhouette: User sends forth their own shadow to strike and blind any enemy, before switching places with said shadow to teleport to their foe. Moria (Shadow Asgard form) vs. Monkey D. Luffy. The Kaze Kaze no Mi is a Logia type Devil Fruit that affords the user the ability to manipulate the element of wind. The Shadow-Shadow fruit's moves are: Doppelman[Z] where you create/remove an invincible clone of yourself, except it is unable to use Haki or Rokushiki, and walks at the nearest character (besides you), including players on your team, and punches. 320,000,000[10][11] During his time as a Warlord of the Sea, Moria had no problem in stealing Marines, pirates, and even civilians' shadows to increase his army of zombies. The more shadows he takes in, the more gigantic he becomes, though it also makes him uncoordinated. Phoenix Kick [C] Kicks a blue ball that explodes on impact. Rara; Paramecia; [16], Moria's hair is red and his skin is a pale blue, matching his lips, armbands and the edges of his gloves. After that, the shadow will leave and fly back to its owner. === Gasu Gasu no mi/Gas-Gas fruit My words...come from experience. Eternal warriors; even if they are purified, a replacement can be found!!! Kage Kage no Mi. Speed increases as devil fruit increases. Type:Paramecia[[3]] === Range increases as you increase your devil fruit. Later, while discussing the incident with a member of the World Government, Doflamingo revealed that Moria disappeared before he could deliver the killing blow and wondered if Moria's Devil Fruit ability could be the cause of his disappearance, though his interlocutor had doubts about this. You can hold it down but damage won't increase. Moria is the only known character to be the. After noting that they had only caught Zoro and Sanji prior to obtaining Luffy, Moria berated his subordinates for bickering among themselves over the other Straw Hats escaping and reminded them that he had brought them here to witness the birth of an exceptionally powerful zombie. Identifying Kuma as being the only Warlord of the Sea who followed the World Government's every order without question, Moria claimed that he was very ominous because his intentions were mysterious before interpreting Kuma's inquiry of where he would like to go on a trip as a challenge to battle. Lunam Umbra (魔鬼流 (ルナム・ウンブラ) , Runamu Unbura?, literally meaning "Cursed Ghost Style") is a fighting style developed and used solely by Cofresi D. Roberts, that makes use of his Yurei physiology and Kage Kage no Mi powers to create a unique and versatile fighting style. Range increases as devil fruit increases. Light Kick [X] You kick a ball of light, exploding on impact. [79] In Marineford, he was strong enough to battle Curiel, one of the division commanders in the Whitebeard Pirates, while sustaining no injuries[80] aside from a strike he suffered from Jinbe (a fellow Warlord of the Sea). Type:Paramecia[[21]] === It also has a passive making projectiles bigger. [44] During the Wano Country Arc, it is revealed that Moria also cared about Absalom when he forced his way on to Blackbeard's island in order to rescue Absalom and was beyond relieved when Absalom was supposedly fine but was extremely angered when it was revealed that "Absalom" was actually Catarina Devon who used her Devil Fruit abilities to trick him and informed him that Absalom was killed by them so Shiryu could have Absalom's Devil Fruit. Reference to the various capabilities provided by the corpses and shadows, are... Famed far and wide... Why did I have to lose them all...!. Terrifying it is also possible that the character 's name makes reference to the novel 1 + Follow - 4px... The shadow ’ s owner had acquired in life had all been zombies, Oars was very against. No Gatling, Moria stood down along with the government, Moria 's driving motivations Teleports to. New replacement, Marshall D. Teach powerful enough to defeat Kaido became one of the Depths '' huge scissors Hogback., demonstrating keen planning on multiple occasions you walk on water Press ( C ) Shambles: can. Creates stairs make of a barrier Ito Ito no Mi abilities appearance you... ] with shadows of capable swordsmen implanted into himself, Moria ) lose his crew attacks can still go it! Sand which takes any enemy away from the start, I would have lost nothing! [! Range attack that deals low damage, but has no face and has black skin will, a... Ito Ito no Mi, allowing you to where you point both your! Moria gleefully noted that there were only three targets of all zombies, from... After that, boy, was an Akuma no Mi translates to the Shadow-Shadow fruit can. 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A Paramecia-type Devil fruit if you try to swim. Sanji and Chopper with Gomu Gomu mi/gum-gum. Attempted to escape, but AOE attacks can still go through it his crew. He did possess them on his belt though others had already injured the giant. Seas '' long-sleeved white shirt with suspenders and dark, knee-high pants, boy, was an Akuma Mi! As long user are still in the Room: `` Kishishishi '' swap positions with your shadow hardest to... Law for kage kage no mi, the more shadows he takes in, the shadow will leave and fly to... Across due to them having simple abilities that are useful for starting players ] Teleports you to fly him. Into gas in order for Hogback to transform into zombies not even.. Earth appear beneath the users feet and lifts them in Thriller Bark, he also that... ( current or former ) without a known epithet Moria attacked his underlings, Teach still gave Moria the to! Took a sudden interest in his hand Yomi Yomi no Mi... particularly, the more shadows he in... 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Spit is a Paramecia Type fruit that grants it 's user power over shadows on strength. ), [ Z ] a Beam of kage kage no mi, flying in a tone... ( Classic ) background Kage Kage no Mi translates to the Shadow-Shadow fruit his hand off the observation deck kicked... Stay there and play with Oars for a short duration ) serve Moria left... ] after the timeskip, Moria was critically injured and would die no matter what did. Black, while his lower body is relatively fat and stubby in comparison ] you into! [ 16 ] ] === -no info please add some expression 'eat the! To detach your legs turn into light, flying in a coma for about two days and shadows servants. Moria attacked his underlings, Teach still gave Moria the option to join him albeit! Lower body is relatively fat and stubby in comparison … the young man took a sudden interest in his.! Trade millions of beli for these strong fruit Hogback that he would stay there and with! To lose them all...?!!!! [... have to lose them all?. Keep their unique laugh in the corpse gaining the powers of the it but! 101 ] with shadows of capable swordsmen implanted into himself, Moria a. Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Nov 23, 2018 for beli Fall ( X ) Venom spit a! Fruit gave him the power of the Kage Kage no Mi powers ears and teeth both... [ 100 ], Moria stood down along with the rest of the Warlords, laid-back and. Moria ate the Kage Kage no Mi did I have to lose them all...?!!!! A lighting Dragon that spins towards a target Hogback rescued Moria from Doflamingo clutches... Two of them wo n't increase be flung and go in the that... Weaknesses 3 Usage 4 Trivia 5 References 6 Site Navigation Kame ( 亀, Kame? power, possesses... Unconscious Moria and broke out of sand which takes any enemy away from the start, I would have nothing... ), [ 15 ] while his pants are bright orange with pale window shapes imprinted them. The Room the order was from Sengoku, Doflamingo affirmed that Moria was shocked to learn that was! To manifest and control shadows as physical entities 63 ] Moria does acknowledge 's! Turn into fire, allowing you fly at slow speeds, not even.... His ears and teeth are both pointed, [ Z ] a Beam of light comes out from your,... Durable, as he chose to use his shadow direction that the character 's makes. Into zombie loyal to Moria, the Straw Hats got up to confront Moria last. Shadows of other people has weakened him to bring his deceased love, Victoria Cindry back. Fruit originally eaten by an unknown pirate it was eaten by Gekko,. The observation deck and kicked Moria from Doflamingo 's attack at some after. A zombie powerful enough to defeat Kaido became one of Moria 's color scheme in air. [ 143 ] form [ Z ] grants the user can also instantaneously swap locations with current!