The cause is still not known. From amazing wildlife spectacles like the great migration to bioluminescent oceans and alien-like clouds, there is just so much beauty to behold right in our own backyards. Wikipedia defines geological phenomena as phenomena that can be explained by or expand knowledge on the science of geology. Underneath the soil, a dense network of roots connects all the shoots that look like 47,000 trees from above. Maybe you don't really like snakes, but how do you feel about tens of thousands of harmless snakes waiting out the winter in underground limestone dens? The Earth is a mysterious place. Being happy and healthy is everybody’s wish. Nitrogen produces blue or purplish-red aurora. The same phenomenon can also happen with moonlight, although moon halos are usually white and sun halos can be rainbow-colored, like this one. A crevice in the earth’s crust that is part of the Great Rift Valley allows the waters of the River Jordan to flow south into a lozenge-shaped lake at the lowest point on our planet. These beautiful sky paintings have nothing to do with fire or rain, as weather-loving people are very quick to point out. Ice circle is also called an ice disc and ice pan. An individual starling isn't much to look at. Each band of the ring is made of a different type of rock that erodes at a different speed. Your email address will not be published. In upstate New York, near the Canadian border, there is a small waterfall hiding a big surprise: a shoot of fire about eight inches tall. Formally known as the "Richtat structure," the Eye of the Sahara is in Mauritania. All those trees you could walk between? What natural phenomena occurs on Earth due to the gravity of the Moon? They can grow to enormous sizes. With the end of the dreadful year of 2020 finally coming to an end... Perhaps you’ve considered building a home garden on your property. Light pillars: an optical phenomenon formed by the reflection of sunlight or moonlight by ice crystals that are present in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact, astronauts are mostly responsible for teaching us there's something there in the first place, since the formation is difficult to recognize when you walk over it. It has a little bit of everything – from gorgeous green vistas to splendid dry deserts, from high-peaked mountains to holes hidden deep inside the ocean. Scientifically, it is caused by the interaction of charged particles (protons and electrons) from the sun with the Earth’s ionosphere. Also, some of the ice circles are bowl shaped. 18 Amazing And Surreal Natural Phenomena That Occur On Earth. Their offspring will emerge again in 2033. Readers will learn what animal is actually slower than a snail, which animal’s heart weighs the most, and which steaming volcano is covered with snow. The flocks can be seen in the US and Europe, particularly in England, although the bird's British population is now only a third of what it was 40 years ago. Pitch Lake is the largest deposit of asphalt in the world. The deposits are considered to be there from the Miocene period. It mainly occurs because of intense heat and turbulent wind conditions combine to form whirling eddies of air. A common solution is to reduce the requirement for complex geometry by … … It's all one tree. 10) The Hum. The water has so much iron in it that it literally rusts when it meets air, giving the waterfall its trademark color. [Physics Gravity Quiz] also and share with your friends. It's pretty clear how this phenomenon got its nickname: It looks like a tornado, but it's made of fire. The concentration of water in the Brinicle is lower than the seawater because water moves from high to low concentration and they can attract water. Strands can reach as long as 6 feet. Without gravity, there would not even be this planet since the Earth's crust would not be able to stay in position. Spending so much time indoors it’s easy to forget just how beautiful our planet is. These ice spikes, called penitentes, form in high altitudes, where sunlight turns ice directly into water vapor, rather than melting it to water. Why is Environmental Awareness Important. Also, it can be because of phosphorescence and eerie lights have given the limelight to many many superstitions. That's a real thing in Manitoba, Canada, home of the highest concentration of snakes in the world, according to National Geographic. In 2020, virtually every small business faced unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 global... One can only do justice to the unique culinary experience which exists on this... Did you pay your taxes on time? Papakolea, also known as Green Sand Beach, in Hawaii is one of only a couple beaches in the world with green sand. Sign up for a daily selection of our best stories — based on your reading preferences. The loud boom and giant hole these bursts create were first reported in 2013. Dirty thunderstorms also knows as Volcanic lighting when lighting is produced in volcanic plume. Something to add to that adventurous bucket list would be these phenomena! It is one of the rarest phenomena in which fire forms a tornado. Here are some natural phenomena that occur on earth, which will leave you stunned; 1. 1. Imagine watching a beautiful sunset, seeing the tide come in, or feeling the breeze on a warm summer day. The flock's complex choreography boils down to just a couple simple rules, like follow your neighbor. It is also still unexplained. Also, when the ice circle rotates it smoothly erodes the so-called “border ice and sometimes it can be exerienced that blade-like contact point that moves with the circle. Additionally known as Globe Lightning often accompanied by a hissing sound and distinct odour. It's easy to get lost in cars and offices and grocery stores and forget that there's a bigger, more beautiful world we don't always get to see. According to several studies, Karenia brevis is always present in the oceans, however, in small numbers but they can form red tides when conditions are right. These are small floating lights mostly seen over bogs. However, in Texas microscopic algae named KareniaBreviss often cause red tides and massive growth of this algae gives them a reddish colour and hence the name. The phenomena are known by many different names like jack-o’-lantern, friar’s lantern, hinkypunk, and hobby lantern. 1. Behind the waterfall is a natural gas seep that feeds the flame. Unlike man-made events, these phenomena stem from biological, chemical, geological or meteorological processes in nature. Cave These burning gas seeps are actually fairly common, but this one is more interesting and younger than most — and very photogenic. There are several reports which claim that worms and spiders have also fallen from the sky. That's right, volcanoes can produce lightning. 10 Most Beautiful Natural Rock Formations In The World, 3 Major Global Environmental Pollutants & Their Downsides, The Droplet, Lola Tillyaeva’s Environmental Project. These gifts from nature tend to make our days, weeks, and vacations even better. as well as other partner offers and accept our, REUTERS/Vladimir Pushkarev/Russian Centre of Arctic Exploration, US Fish and Wildlife Service/Wikimedia Commons, Peter Rejcek/National Science Foundation/Wikimedia Commons, Here's where you're most likely to run into wildlife that could kill you, Here's how your Fourth of July fireworks work. The most common auroral color, a pale yellowish-green, is produced by oxygen molecules located about 60 miles above the earth. So let's take a whirl through some of the most incredible, sometimes mind-boggling phenomena the Earth has to offer — along with a little of the science behind them. The colorful shine actually comes from the setting sun being lower in the sky than the clouds, so they reflect sunbeams back toward Earth. But there's stunning stuff happening every day, in some cases right outside your door. They form when wind patterns twist an active fire into a column. Scientists are still trying to confirm how it was formed, but they think it's the eroded remains of a giant dome of rock. Its striped look is caused by bark turning colors and peeling away as it ages. Fly over Spotted Lake, also called Kliluk Lake, in this video: Moroccan goats have learned to climb trees in order to better snack on their tasty Argan fruit. Hailing from the Philippines and Indonesia, the rainbow eucalyptus, also known as the rainbow gum, is probably the most colorful tree on Earth. There are also some not-so-friendly natural phenomena that can occur, such as thunderstorms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. While in Hawaii the phenomenon is named for Pele, the goddess of volcanoes, it's also found in Norway, where it's known as Witch's Hair. Further proof Spotted Lake is out of this world: Scientists are using it as a model for how ancient Martian lakes may have worked. The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is called (a) earthing (b) lightning (c) oscillation motion (d) electron movement The lake was located beside the village of La Brea and from there you can see the world’s largest natural deposit of asphalt. In May, they slither out of their nests to mate, with dozens of smaller male snakes lurking, waiting to ambush larger females. Despite the amazing technological advancements we’ve made, nothing can compare to the complexity of the phenomena that occur here on our blue planet. Another definition states that geological phenomena are any naturally occurring phenomena that involve the structure, content, consistency or composition or the Earth. If you live in Ohio, West Virginia, or their neighbors, you're experiencing one of the planet's entomological miracles: periodical cicadas. World of Wonders is a tour of the earth through stunning images that depict some of the most mesmerizing and outrageous animals and natural occurrences. "It's just like a spinning column of flames," forecaster Michael Watkins told the Los Angeles Times. I know what you're thinking — I must have gotten my images mixed up, that's a bird's nest, there's no way that came out of a volcano. It is the only planet in the solar where life exists we all know but there are many things that we still don’t know about the planet earth. For all our advanced technology and scientific understanding, there are events that occur, more or less, on a regular basis for which (as yet) we have no answers. They are mostly observed in groups and that too with different Patterns. That means it's almost deserted, except for a particularly hardy fish, the microbes that make it look red, and lesser flamingoes. There are bodies of water with unique colors. As much as science and technology have advanced to help solve a lot of these mysteries, scientists have not been able to explain many natural phenomena. Common examples of natural phenomena include sunrise, thunder, waves, erosion, germination, fermentation, volcanic eruption, rainbow and aurora. It turns out that if you heat frozen methane trapped in the Siberian permafrost enough, it turns into a gas, eventually building up so much pressure that the ground explodes. Many natural symptoms occur in this layer, including several examples of phenomena that occur in other atmospheric layers. And who doesn’t believe that if there’s magic anywhere in world, it’s right here. The Dead Sea is one of the most unique natural phenomena on the planet. It has been last for a minute. The world is filled with natural wonders of all types, and many people travel near and far to take in these sights. It leaves behind large spots, colorful deposits of a dozen minerals. [Physics Gravity Quiz] is related to Physics Gravity Quiz. It's sheltered enough by the waterfall to stay lit pretty reliably, although hikers do re-light it if they see it's been blown out. 1. These are the top 10 strangest natural phenomena on Planet Earth. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers. Without any doubt, the aurora is one of the most beautiful, marvelous natural phenomena ever seen on earth. They can be actual whirlwinds that disengage from the flames, or else can become a vortex of flame. This grove, nicknamed Pando, is one of the oldest and largest organisms in the world, although the original stem is long dead by now. The snow formation is tilted towards the direction of the sun. Usually spotted only near the poles, nacreous clouds form very high in the atmosphere (twice as high as commercial airplanes fly), where the air is particularly cold and dry. The site is also to cover things that are related to the world. These are less desirable, as they can not only ruin a planned activity but may also cause damage or physical harm. It is mostly seen in the Polar Regions. The phenomena start with a whirl of wind or smoke. Your email address will not be published. Waterspouts look like liquid tornadoes, but while they can form during storms, they can also develop on calm, open ocean — swirling towers of wind climbing up from the water to the sky. Unfortunately, while they're beautiful, nacreous clouds also destroy ozone, the compound that protects us from the sun's most dangerous rays. Ball lightning is an unexplained atmospheric electrical phenomenon. It's a special form of the mineral gypsum that can develop in dry sandy places that occasionally flood. by Adam Davis. Earth is a third planet from the sun.