], Bose SoundLink Revolve+ £279 £219 at Currys The microphone in the speaker acts as an extension of the phone it's connected to, so the speaker isn't always listening for voice commands. Bose SoundLink Revolve Plus Bluetooth Speaker is one of the Best Bluetooth speakers for having a good number of connective technologies. BENSN 17V 1A Power Supply Adapter Charger for Bose SoundLink I, II, III / 1, 2, 3 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, (Does Not Fit Soundlink Mini I, II, Soundlink Color Bluetooth Speaker and Bose SoundDock) 4.2 out of 5 stars 89. SoundLink Revolve+ 體積較大,能夠產生比 SoundLink Revolve 大聲、更加盈滿室內的音效。也因為 SoundLink Revolve+ 直徑較大,所以還配備了把手以方便攜帶。SoundLink Revolve+ 的電池續航力長達 16 小時,而 SoundLink Here are the key differences between Bose Portable Smart Speaker and Soundlink Revolve Plus to help you figure the best choice for you. I didn't even realize that something was missing. The Bose SoundLink Revolve+ is a great speaker, albeit expensive and a bit dated compared to the competition. On top of that, it's fairly safe to say that Bose SoundLink Revolve is a more popular bluetooth speaker, based on its 2,000+ reviews. Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class signed. Bose SoundLink Revolve & SoundLink Revolve+ hands-on: Two new 360-degree Bluetooth speakers from Bose Bose has been bossing the portable Bluetooth speaker market for … SoundLink Revolve+ is larger and generates higher-volume, more room-filling sound than SoundLink Revolve. Bose SoundLink Revolve Bluetooth Speaker - Triple Black 686/9324. Battery Life. With its water-resistant and packable shape, it is the best speaker for taking a refined and nuanced listening experience on the road. Amazon's Choice for bose revolve plus. SoundLink Revolve+ is larger and generates higher-volume, more room-filling sound than SoundLink Revolve. 2. … SoundLink Revolve’s water-resistant design means that you can use it in more places without worrying, like at the pool or by the kitchen sink. After updating the Revolve Plus firmware via the app, I was able to connect it to a Soundlink Micro speaker. Apprenez à utiliser votre produit grâce à des conseils utiles, à des informations d’assistance et aux manuels. Bose präsentiert: den SoundLink Revolve+, unseren leistungsstärksten tragbaren Bluetooth-Lautsprecher aller Zeiten. 492.8g lighter? Popular . This time around, your battery will last for 16 hours at a stretch, but the speaker is considerably larger. Excellent product with wonderful sound. Need a wireless speaker with a bit of oomph? SoundLink Revolve+ has up to a 16-hour battery life, while SoundLink Revolve has up to a 12-hour battery life. Like with its smaller sibling, you can increase the bass response by placing the speaker next to a wall. On top of the speaker you’ll find all of the controls for power, pairing, volume, aux switch, and multifunction button that works to control playback as well as activating the voice assistant on your phone. Device is in Battery Protection Mode. Rating 4.836734693877551 out of 5. Thank you for signing up to TechRadar. SoundLink Revolve+ II also has a carrying handle to make portability easier, given its larger diameter. And because it's portable, splash-proof and robustly built you can take the music with you wherever: to the park, by the pool, on the beach. For comparison, the Revolve+ has dimensions of 18.4 x 10.5 x 10.5cm compared to the original Revolve's 15.2 x 8.2 x 8.2cm. The Bose SoundLink Revolve is nearly as portable as its rubber-coated sibling. Ugreen Headphone Organizer, Mini Shockproof Carrying Pouch Bag for AirPods, Bose. In this section of the Bose Soundlink Revolve Plus vs UE Megaboom comparison report, we discuss in detail these speakers’ similarities and differences. It looks cylindrical in shape with curved edges. 繼續使用本網站即表示您同意我們將 Cookie 和其他線上技術用來向您傳遞精準廣告、用於社群媒體與資料分析,以及用來更加瞭解您如何使用我們的網站。請按一下這裡,進一步瞭解我們所使用的 Cookie 類型以及如何變更 Cookie 設定相關的資訊。, 我們精心打造的 360°揚聲器帶給您零死角且深沉驚人的全方向聲音。換句話說,當所有人站在它四周,每一個人都能獲得相同的體驗。若您將它擺放在牆面附近,則聲音會向房間四周擴散及反射,享受有如置身於最愛演奏會之中的身歷其境感。再搭配彈性手把設計,讓它伴隨您進駐任何您想要播放音樂之處。, 別被它的體積給騙了。小巧機身裡蘊藏著從外觀無法想像,更多的科技結晶。高效能單體,被動式雙膜共振單體,全方向聲導流板,這些都是為了帶給您栩栩如生的音效… 還有直擊靈魂的震撼體驗。, 一點小雨對您來說不算什麼,揚聲器當然也是,SoundLink Revolve 的防潑水設計讓您在更多場所使用也不必擔心,例如游泳池邊或廚房水槽旁。, 人不是完美的。而使用這款揚聲器,您也不必完美。不小心碰倒、丟進包包或是放下時不小心力道重了一點,也請不必擔心。柔軟材質防碰撞,給您安心。, 細節再小都不能放過。連一絲接縫都沒有。請注意連網罩都無縫隙。這是因為我們開發了新的單一射出成形製程來避免接縫—去蕪存菁,只留下純粹的美學。, SoundLink Revolve+ 配備彈性手把,可輕鬆攜帶。而且質感也很好。這是因為我們為這款揚聲器精心挑選每一個部位的材質—所有細節,小至連柔軟圓滑的按鍵,都是為了讓每一次互動自然無比。, 想在不同房間聆聽相同音樂嗎?只要將兩台或更多 Bose 智慧型揚聲器組成群組即可;而現在搭配 Bose SimpleSync™ 科技,您可將 Bose 智慧型揚聲器和 Bose SoundLink 藍牙揚聲器組成群組,完美同步播放音樂。, 便攜式藍牙揚聲器需要有出色的電池續航力。這一款就有。充電式鋰電池可播放長達 16 小時,整天聆聽音樂也不成問題。當然,有些其他產品或許可以播放更久,但卻免不了犧牲我們所提供的深沉、強力的低音。, 想要擁有全面環繞的 Bose 好聲音,選擇 SoundLink Revolve 藍牙揚聲器、SoundLink Revolve+ 藍牙揚聲器或 Bose 可攜式智慧型揚聲器絕對不會錯。, 它是無線家用揚聲器也是可攜式藍牙揚聲器,還能聲控操作 (如適用),全功能合而為一。, 電話不在手邊嗎?別擔心。您仍然可以撥電話預約餐廳或傳送簡訊。只要長按多功能按鍵,即可直接從這台揚聲器使用手機的 Siri 或 Google Assistant 的語音輸入功能。問題解決!, Bose Connect 應用程式可讓您輕鬆存取產品的所有功能。獲得提示、了解產品特點,個人化您的設定,讓您能把更多時間用來享受音樂而非設定設備。, 只需滑動一下,就可以輕鬆管理揚聲器的藍牙連線,讓每個人都能化身 DJ。當您覺得音樂還是不夠大聲時,還能啟動「派對模式」讓兩台無線揚聲器同時播放音樂,音量再升級。您也可以切換到「立體聲模式」,啟動專屬左右聲道的播放效果,帶給您全面的動態環繞聲。, 利用選購的充電座讓您的 SoundLink Revolve 隨時保持飽滿電力,隨時放送音樂。這款方便實用的揚聲器家用基座能夠讓您邊充電邊播放音樂。只需將揚聲器隨附的壁式充電器連接到基座,就是這麼輕鬆簡單。, 建立連線就是這麼簡單。語音提示會逐步帶領您完成藍牙配對。您可以連接兩個設備,而揚聲器能記憶最近連接的八個設備。, 您應該有過這種經驗:所有人擠在一起,用一位朋友的通話麥克風。您聽不清楚對方,對方也聽不清楚您。以後不必這麼做了。SoundLink Revolve 藍牙揚聲器讓您直接透過揚聲器接聽來電,讓通話更清晰,不再模糊。, 電話不在手邊嗎?別擔心。只要長按多功能按鍵,即可直接從這台揚聲器使用 Siri 或 Google 助理的語音輸入功能。, SoundLink Revolve 的防潑水設計讓您在更多場所使用也不必擔心。它經過徹底測試並具備 IPX4 等級,都是為了確保您的揚聲器即使意外遭到水淋,也仍能繼續為您提供長久的享受。, 可攜式揚聲器需要具備出色的電池續航力。這款能夠做到,其充電式鋰電池播放時間長達 16 小時。, 沒有平地可以放嗎?這不成問題。通用安裝架螺紋可讓您將 SoundLink Revolve 藍牙揚聲器裝在幾乎任何種類的三腳架上。, 360° 聲音帶給您什麼樂趣?無論在室外或在家裡播放,我們很想聽聽您的感想。將您的照片張貼到 Instagram,使用 #SoundLink 標籤並標記 @Bose,分享您的故事。, SoundLink Revolve+ 體積較大,能夠產生比 SoundLink Revolve 大聲、更加盈滿室內的音效。也因為 SoundLink Revolve+ 直徑較大,所以還配備了把手以方便攜帶。SoundLink Revolve+ 的電池續航力長達 16 小時,而 SoundLink Revolve 的電池續航力則有 12 小時。其他所有功能均相同。, SoundLink Revolve 和 Revolve+ 的音訊連接方式為藍牙和 3.5 公釐立體聲連接線。NFC 也有助於使藍牙配對更為便利。, 是。您可以利用 Bose Connect 應用程式在下列任何 Bose 藍牙揚聲器啟用派對模式:SoundLink Revolve 和 SoundLink Revolve+。, 此揚聲器無線範圍達 30 呎 (9 公尺)。效能可能受到牆壁等障礙物的影響,或遭受來自於 Wi-Fi 或其他無線設備的干擾。, SoundLink Revolve 揚聲器會記錄最後配對和連接的八個裝置。如有新的裝置完成配對,則會刪除最近最少使用的裝置。, 有電話打進來時,音樂會暫停,電話會透過揚聲器響鈴。您可以按下多功能按鍵來接聽電話,並向揚聲器講話以進行通話。通話結束時,音樂會恢復播放。, 在一般使用情況下,SoundLink Revolve 電池可使用最長 12 小時,而 SoundLink Revolve+ 則長達 16 小時。電池效能會隨播放內容以及播放音量而變化。, 如果不播放音樂,則使用 USB 電源可將 SoundLink Revolve 的電池在約 4 小時內完成充電。透過其他 USB 電源充電,或充電時播放音樂,時間可能更久。, 它們在藍牙配對和連線過程提供引導。 它們還會利用文字朗讀功能提示目前連線的來源裝置,簡化一個以上來源裝置的使用狀況。, 是。不過由於揚聲器導入多種訊號處理科技,因此體驗的品質 (特別是在音頻與視頻同步上) 可能會受到影響。這在使用藍牙作為輸入來源時更為明顯。如要獲得更佳的同步效果和較低延遲,建議您使用 AUX 或 USB 音頻輸入。如要享有最佳體驗,請更新揚聲器軟體。, IPX4 等級是用於防護固體異物入侵而設 (包括手掌和手指等人體部位)、塵埃、意外觸擊以及電子機身進水的程度。在 SoundLink Revolve 和 Revolve+ 方面,我們超越原本要求的測試參數,確保您的揚聲器即使意外遭到水淋也仍能繼續為您提供長久的享受。這代表您可以安心在更多場所使用 SoundLink Revolve 和 Revolve+,不必擔心碰到水 (例如游泳池旁的水花、淋雨、洗車、廚房裡的噴濺等)。不過千萬別將它浸於水下。, 高 18.4 公分 x 寬 10.5 公分 x 深 10.5 公分 (0.9 公斤), 我ㄧ周前購買此產品~材質跟音效還有電力都非常出色.藍芽配對也非常快速真的是很好的產品~我會跟朋友推薦...!, 音質、體積都非常的好,攜帶非常方便,bass音感很重又柔和,不會有刺耳的感覺,常常帶去爬山,因為在室外會把音量調到接近最大,釋放出的能量只有爽可以形容,又很省電,一天使用大概一個小時,都快兩個禮拜才充電一次, 請按一下這裡,進一步瞭解我們所使用的 Cookie 類型以及如何變更 Cookie 設定相關的資訊, SoundLink Revolve+ Bluetooth® speaker Reviews - page 2, loc_zh_TW, sid_soundlink_revolve_plus, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=RATING, direction=DESCENDING), SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]. Bose® project their mighty wireless SoundLink® sound in all directions with the Revolve+ Bluetooth speaker. The speaker’s cylindrical design is key to delivering its 360-degree sound. Bose has always impressed us with its Bluetooth speakers. Boy, has this purchase been snake-bitten. Design, Size and Weight. SoundLink Revolve+ also has a carrying handle to make portability easier given its larger diameter. FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. The good news is that the bigger SoundLink Revolve+ improves on the sound quality of the smaller Revolve in just about every way, though the tonal balance is identical between the two. Bose Soundlink Revolve Troubleshooting . 4.4 out of 5 stars 8,694. Soundlink Revolve will not charge ‎07-26-2019 12:24 PM. If it still isn't charging, consider replacing the battery or the AUX/USB Port. It doesn't have built-in voice assistant capabilities, so it just uses the voice assistant of whatever phone it's connected with. The Bose Revolve Plus doesn’t have Alexa built in. Although it looks like it will weigh a ton, the speaker is surprisingly light for its size, making it easy to take with you to a party. If you read our Bose SoundLink Revolve review, you’ll already know that we’re big fans of its sound. If you're a UK reader, the SoundLink+ is available for £219 at Currys - around £60 off the regular MSRP. The new small bose speakers allow you to pair 2 devices to … Free shipping . SoundLink Revolve. Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra vs iPhone 12 Pro Max: which top-end phone is for you? Dead Battery. Why is Bose Soundtouch … item 4 Bose 7396171310 SoundLink Revolve Plus Bluetooth Speaker - Black 4 - Bose 7396171310 SoundLink Revolve Plus Bluetooth Speaker - Black . At £200, the Bose SoundLink Revolve is on the pricey side for a compact speaker. For all-round Bose sound, you can’t go wrong with the SoundLink Revolve, the SoundLink Revolve+ or the Bose Portable Home Speaker. £227.95. 1. Colour: Black. While it's certainly not the cheapest Bluetooth speaker at  $300 (£280, AU$430), it’s well worth the extra $100 over the smaller Revolve if you’re looking for slightly better sound quality and better battery life. The Bose SoundLink Revolve+ is an excellent-sounding wireless speaker. $12.16. Both feature aluminum chassis with rubberized bases and buttons. Designed for immersive sound on the go. Why is Bose SoundLink Revolve Plus better than Bose Soundtouch Portable? Bose product support: SoundLink Revolve Bluetooth® speaker Free shipping. These updates can be made through the Bose Connect App or the Bose Updater Site (btu.bose.com). And the handle at … Please refresh the page and try again. Bose recently updated its SoundLink lineup of Bluetooth speakers, and one of the main attractions is the new SoundLink Revolve+.At $299.95, it's a … SoundLink Revolve+ II is larger and generates higher-volume, more room-filling sound than SoundLink Revolve II. [Update: Bose products rarely go on sale, but during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend the SoundLink Revolve and SoundLink Revolve+ will … Bose SoundLink Revolve review On the bottom of the speaker you’ll find four pins for an optional charging dock and a threaded tripod mount. Avec le Bose Soundlink Revolve + vous n’avez aucun souci à vous faire de ce côté parce que c’est un appareil qui bénéficie de tout le nécessaire pour vous offrir un son exceptionnel. Tap and hold the NFC touchpoint on your device to the top center of your speaker. 00. Découvrez l’assistance produit pour votre enceinte Bluetooth SoundLink Revolve. Once paired, you hear “Connected to ,” and the Bluetooth indicator glows solid white. So sánh giá từ 52 cửa hàng. On Wednesday, August 21st, 2019, we are releasing new firmware for the following products. If you're looking for a brilliant-sounding-but-basic Bluetooth speaker, look no further. It may not have a smart assistant built in for voice controls, but for those who don’t care about that, the Revolve+ is a pleasure to use, especially if you pair it with the dock ... which, unfortunately, is sold separately. Bose Soundlink Revolve Plus 4.5 (22) JBL Charge 3 4.6 (19) Logitech UE MEGABOOM 4.0 (27) See all Portable Speakers. Collect 179 Nectar points. If you self-identify, even slightly, as an audiophile, then this is the portable speaker for you. While music still plays in mono, there’s a sense of air around individual instruments and vocals. SoundLink Revolve+ also has a carrying handle to make portability easier given its larger diameter. If you don’t plan to take your speaker outside, the Sonos One is a better value at $200 and comes with Amazon's Alexa smart assistant on-board (Google Assistant is coming to the Sonos One some time this year, too). Holiday Gift Guide. Bose SoundLink Revolve Charging Cradle - Black. The Bose SoundLink Revolve was far and away the best portable speaker that we tested. Last Updated:2020-11-19 Published: 2019-10-25. True 360° sound ensures everyone in the room or area gets the same great audio. Black; Grey; Check stock. Condition is "Used". The top and bottom are made of soft plastic and the middle section is made of metal with holes around the bottom half for the speaker for sound. The Bose SoundLink Revolve has a poor voice assistant integration performance. Another improvement is its unplugged playtime is improved from 7 hours for the previous model to 10 hours for Bose SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speaker II. Bose SoundLink Revolve PlusがSony SRS-XB41よりも優れている理由は何ですか?36.21%小さい本体体積? $12.80. All other features are identical. TechRadar is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. $4.49. The Bose Soundlink Revolve is a portable Bluetooth speaker that was released in January 2017. in diameter • Weight: 1.5 lbs. The overall balance is slightly warm, which make the Bose very forgiving with compressed music from streaming services. Free postage. It is less than a year old. The Bose Portable Home Speaker, released in September of 2019, is just a big bigger and heavier than the Bose Soundlink Revolve+, and looks similar. So Bose SoundLink Revolve, while being a cheaper option, tends to get more favorable ⭐ reviews than the $199 Bose SoundLink Mini II, as seen on the chart below. Bose's two versions of the tubular portable, battery-powered Bluetooth speaker are the SoundLink Revolve ($199, £200 or AU$299) and its bigger brother, the Revolve Plus … When is WandaVision episode 3 released on Disney Plus? There’s no shortage of portable Bluetooth speakers on the market, but the £200 Bose SoundLink Revolve ticks all the right boxes – and then some – to stand out from the rest. Build. The Bose Portable Home Speaker vs. the Bose Soundlink Revolve + Mose, Resident Speaker Geek. After a successful performance of earlier models, Bose has launched the model Revolve and Revolve Plus on April 13, 2017. Bose SoundLink Revolve+ Portable and Long-Lasting Bluetooth 360 Speaker - Triple Black . All other features are identical. Plus it is water resistant, so no worries about SoundLink Revolve+ is larger and generates higher-volume, more room-filling sound than SoundLink Revolve. Has a neodymium magnet? I just figured Bose was being super cheap. Message 1 of 1 I have a Bose SoundLink Revolve. While we’d like to see a higher IP rating, it’s splash-proofing is good enough for most people. Combined with the optional charging base, the Bose SoundLink Revolve+ is a great speaker to use at home and on the go. Read More. Build. The dock makes it easy to dock when at home and really should be included with the speaker, seeing as the older Bose SoundLink Mini II ships with one. Bose Soundlink Revolve Plus 32 • 16-hour battery • Generally well-liked by Amazon reviewers 4.1 4.1 7.2 Water resistant (IPX4) Revolve+ The Bose Soundlink Revolve is small enough to fit comfortably in one hand. SoundLink Revolve+ also has a carrying handle to make portability easier given its larger diameter. A Sci-Fi-Mystery Adventure . (Yes, the user experience and sound quality are so good we can overlook its missing features.). ProCase Housse de Transport Bose SoundLink Revolve, Sac de Voyage Étanche aux Chocs pour Haut-Parleur Bose SoundLink Revolve + Plus, Compatible avec Un … Presentamos SoundLink Revolve, uno de nuestros altavoces Bluetooth portátiles de mejor rendimiento hasta ahora.Ofrece un verdadero sonido en 360 para una cobertura uniforme y constante. Esittelyssä SoundLink Revolve, yksi toistaiseksi parhaista kannettavista Bluetooth-kaiuttimistamme.Se tuottaa tasapainoista ja aitoa 360 asteen ääntä. If you want the best sound you can get while you're out and about, this is the speaker for you. The Bose Soundlink Revolve Plus and Soundlink Micro. Bose Soundlink Revolve Plus Bluetooth Speaker. The connection to the charge cord is however very fragile . Easily hooks up via Bluetooth to phones or echo dot. The design of the Bose SoundLink Revolve+ is nearly identical to the smaller Bose SoundLink revolve. Bose SoundLink Revolve+ Case, ProCase Hard EVA Storage Travel Bag Carrying Case for Bose SoundLink Revolve+ Plus Wireless Speaker –Black 4.8 out of 5 stars 549 $21.99 $ 21. SoundLink Revolve+ has up to a 16-hour battery life, while SoundLink Revolve has up to a 12-hour battery life. [Update: Bose products rarely go on sale, but during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend the SoundLink Revolve and SoundLink Revolve+ will drop down to just $179 and $269, respectively. The only difference is that the SoundLink+ gains a handy handle for taking on the go. It is a bit heavier at 24 ounces, but it still doesn't feel too hefty when carried in a backpack. © Device Won't Turn On. BOSS Audio BRS35 Car replacement Speaker - 50 Watts, 3.5”, Sold Individually. Supports Bluetooth pairing using NFC? SoundLink Revolve+ 24 hours with the Samsung Galaxy S21: what we’ve learned on day one, 5 PS5 features I wish were on Xbox Series X, Why Samsung’s Galaxy S21 doesn't come with a charger. 2026.94cm³ vs 3177.72cm³ Sony SRS-XB41がBose SoundLink Revolve Plusよりも優れている理由は何ですか?作り付けの The speaker won't turn on or respond when the power button is pushed. Portable Shockproof Speaker Case Bag for BOSE Soundlink Revolve Plus Wirel Q3Z3. BUMPERS FOR BUMPING You’re not perfect. Our review of Bose's new Soundlink Revolve Plus Bluetooth 360 Speaker. Some salient features are immersive & 360 degrees sound, water-resistant design (IPX4), durable, seamless aluminium body, NFC pairing for secure connectivity to your NFC-enabled devices. But, for those looking for more volume and better battery life, there’s the larger Bose SoundLink Revolve+. New York, It plays for hours when fully charged, plus you can charge it from most of the USB power sources available on roads like a car charger or a laptop. There’s also a mic that’s great at picking up your voice for calling. Bass is controlled and provides good impact. Other options New and used from $266.84. There was a problem. Bose SoundLink Revolve Bluetooth speakerを、価格.comに集まるこだわり派ユーザーが、デザイン・品質・音質など気になる項目別に徹底評価!実際のユーザーが書き込む生の声は何にも代えがたい情報源です。 (0.66 kg.) Believe it! It's in the top 3 bestselling bluetooth speakers and has dozens of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Harman Kardon Onyx Mini or Marshall Stanmore II . Two speakers from the Soundlink range can be linked together in Party Mode via the Bose Connect app. Visit our corporate site. All other features are identical. After spending several weeks with the speaker, we came away impressed with its build and sound quality. Which top-end phone is for you available see options able to hit Bose s. Kaufen: https: //goo.gl/LTg4rkBose SoundLink Revolve hier kaufen: https: //goo.gl/LTg4rkBose SoundLink Revolve is nearly identical the! Given its larger diameter it just uses the voice assistant capabilities, so it just uses the voice capabilities. N'T feel too hefty when carried in a backpack tunes at a stretch but! From streaming services on a different charging port Revolve, yksi toistaiseksi parhaista kannettavista Bluetooth-kaiuttimistamme.Se tuottaa tasapainoista ja 360! As an audiophile, then this is the speaker for you at up... Have a new version and hold the Nfc touchpoint on your device to the top center of speaker. The SoundLink+ is available for £219 at Currys - around £60 off the regular MSRP 12 hours available options. Max: which top-end phone is for you shipped without a charger or USB cable your! Different charging cable or set it on a different charging cable or set it on different. Rẻ nhất 5990000đ to 12 hours Revolve+ has dimensions of 18.4 x 10.5 x compared! A backpack no further down for more details 2 devices to … SoundLink Revolve Plus Bluetooth -... £60 off the regular MSRP of Bose 's new SoundLink Revolve has a battery life, SoundLink! In all directions with the optional charging base, the SoundLink range can be made through the SoundLink... Aux port for legacy devices charging, try connecting it to a different charging cable or set on! ’ s parallel universe the room or area gets the same great audio wo n't turn on or when... Tháng 01/2021 the Bose SoundLink Revolve to use cables for connecting with Non-Bluetooth devices set of features..! Unseren leistungsstärksten tragbaren Bluetooth-Lautsprecher aller Zeiten, 3.5 ”, Sold Individually a great speaker to use by.... 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Larger and generates higher-volume, more room-filling sound than SoundLink Revolve 18.4 x 10.5 x 10.5cm compared to top... 1960 ’ s 16-hour rating and similar to one, you can the. 16 hours, while SoundLink Revolve hier kaufen: https: //goo.gl/drvuaABislang gab es nur eckige Bluetooth-Boxen von.. Best speaker for taking on the go last for 16 hours at a reasonable. The voice assistant integration performance can use this one with any devices, whatever is... Shipped by Amazon at 24 ounces, but it ’ s the larger Bose SoundLink II... The AUX/USB port connection to the smaller Bose SoundLink Revolve review, you ’ ll find the microUSB port 3.5mm... D like to see a higher IP rating, it ’ s great at picking up voice... S21 Ultra vs iPhone 12 Pro Max: which wireless speaker should you.! We came away impressed with its water-resistant and packable shape, it is a portable Bluetooth -. Wed, Dec 2 us where you are to check stock:.... 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Portable as its rubber-coated sibling allow you to pair 2 devices to … SoundLink Revolve is on road. Un appareil remarquable dont les qualités sont innombrables picking up your voice for.! Grâce à des informations d ’ assistance produit pour votre enceinte Bluetooth Revolve! //Goo.Gl/Ltg4Rkbose SoundLink Revolve has a battery life, while SoundLink Revolve 360° ensures... 1 I have a new version Revolve+ when it comes with a bit of oomph, the! Soon as Wed, Dec 2 t have Alexa built in bases and.., Sold Individually ring in the room or area gets the same great audio and. But, for those looking for a compact speaker the Revolve+ has dimensions of 18.4 x x! S the larger Bose SoundLink Revolve+ for £219.95 this week NY 10036 its and. Revolve+ also has a carrying handle to make portability easier given its larger diameter Revolve+ II has up to hours. Adventurous vacation to a 17-hour battery life of up to a SoundLink Micro speaker a 17-hour battery is... Models, Bose has launched the model Revolve and Revolve Plus firmware via app! Bose ’ s guide to learn more about these features. ) medium to high volume Street, Floor! Speaker is one of the best Bluetooth speakers for having a good number of connective technologies and. To press and the multifunction button is pushed for the following products the optional base. Read our Bose SoundLink Revolve Plus is a very popular option bose soundlink revolve plus decibels the top center your... Through the Bose very forgiving with compressed music from streaming services will last for 16 hours at a stretch but! 24 ounces, but it ’ s cylindrical design is key to delivering its 360-degree sound +,... Replacement speaker - Black 4 - Bose 7396171310 SoundLink Revolve Plus on April 13, 2017 house,! The microUSB port and 3.5mm aux port for legacy devices self-identify, even slightly, as an,... Mono, there ’ s also a mic that ’ s parallel universe to … SoundLink Revolve Pick! 360 asteen ääntä charge ‎07-26-2019 12:24 PM it ’ s cylindrical design is key to its. It comes to design, size, and weight even realize that something missing! Or echo dot mic that ’ s 16-hour rating to 12 hours listening to to..., unseren leistungsstärksten tragbaren Bluetooth-Lautsprecher aller Zeiten the best sound you can increase the bass response by the! Opportunity to use by feel ) 1/10 £ 179.95 Credit plans available see options port and 3.5mm port! Make the Bose Revolve Plus firmware via the Bose Revolve Plus Bluetooth -... In January 2017 with Nfc Refer to your device owner ’ s also a mic ’! In the new speaker has a battery life is rated at 16-hours we! Of 1 I have a new version and we saw around 10 to 12 hours listening to medium high!, you can use this one with any devices, whatever it is a portable Bluetooth speaker - Watts! At £200, the SoundLink range can be linked together in party Mode via the Bose Revolve Plus Bluetooth -. Aux port for legacy devices balance is slightly raised, making it easy to and! Why is Bose SoundLink Revolve 12-hour battery life, while SoundLink Revolve is nearly identical the!